Friday, December 4, 2009

30 Things That Make Me Smile (in no particular order):

1. My loving husband
2. Our growing business
3. My encouraging brother-- I could not make it through the day without him
4. Laughter
5. My dog, Boone
6. High School Reunions
7. My sister-in-law (she always listens and never judges)
8. Isaac
9. Eli-- he is beginning to shine!
10. Encouraging parents
11. Sleep
12. Sunday mornings
13. Carson
14. Our customers
15. Larry's Beans
16. Great Bread!
17. Challenges
18. God's Provision
19. God's Grace
20. Margaritas
21. Clean Sheets
22. Gifts
23. Blue Ribbons
24. Handmade scarves
25. Prayer
26. My in-laws (Tom and Marilee rock!)
27. Christmas-- I LOVE Christmas!
28. My garden
29. My bed
30. Snuggling

Thursday, January 22, 2009

I want to Blog

I want to blog but I am uncertain of what to say, or how much to share. I tend to be a private person. I like to think things through, and really examine my own thoughts and feelings before blurting them out. It takes me a while to open up to a stranger, and the thought of a stranger reading my thoughts and feelings is scary. But, here I go. I need an outlet and I think blogging could be a very good one.
Josh and I are getting back into a routine. The holidays were a little crazy at the bakery and we both found ourselves working long hours. I don't think we would have minded the long hours so much, if we could have come home at the end of the day and been together, snuggled on the couch, watched a movie, fallen asleep together. The Christmas season took a lot out of us.
We're still on opposite shifts but things at the bakery have slowed down a bit and we're able to spend some time at home- together. It's nice.